Friday, 26 September 2008

10. Travis Millard


Found this guy in a book in the Hayward a coupla weeks ago. Bold, funny, like his style.

9. Claes Oldenburg


Oldenburg makes the kind of things you would see in a dream, become reality.

8. Aleksandr Rodchenko


Bit of photography. Brilliant subject and compostion.

7. Don Hertzfeldt

You've probably seen it but it is so good. Such clever use of simple stop frame.

6. W. Heath Robinson.


Heath Robinson is old school, my dad showed me him first. Basically he invents all these insane inventions and fantasies in his illustrations that are so absurd, but are so funny and clever and drawn so beautifully. His observations of people is spot on too.

Thursday, 25 September 2008

5. Marlene Dumas


Saw this in the MOMA. The portraits are so basic but at the same time they each have so much expression and you can spend ages trying to work out what they're thinking.

4. Run Wrake - Rabbit

This animation is incredible! The idea and the story are so clever and the actual production is beautiful. Wicked soundtrack.

3. Paula Rego



Paula Rego has got to be one of my overall favourite artists. Her ability to weave complex narratives into simple images and make innocent nursery rhymes and stories look so sinister is fascinating.

2. David Shrigley


Shrigley has a ridiculous, ironic scence of humour. His observations and images are so simple but they really make you think about things differently. Joker.

1. Francis Bacon


Dark, distorted and mysterious, his personal life translated so uniquely into his work. His colours and composotions are so unusual and he was a master of the brush.